Examination and treatment
The clinic primarily conducts:
- Examinations and treatment of gastrointestinal problems.
- Bowel cancer counselling.
- Bowel cancer screening.
- Esophagoscopy (esophagus)
- Gastroscopy (stomach)
- Duodenoscopy (duodenum)
- Colonoscopy (colon)
- Sigmoidoscopy (rectum and lower colon)
- Rectoscopy (rectum)
- Anoscopy (lower rectum)
- Tissue sampling
Surgical treatment:
- Hemorrhoids
- Lipoma
- Various skin corrections
- Removal of intestinal polyps
- Vasectomy (Male sterilization)
Generally, surgical procedures are performed with local anesthesia in combination with sedation.
In the clinic we also perform ultrasound and X-ray. X-rays are carried out in collaboration with the x-ray department at "Diakonissestiftelsen".